Friday, December 23, 2011

And The Stockings Were Hung By The Chimney With Care....

I am going to my parents' tomorrow for Christmas. As such, I had to get my shit finished tonight.

I made a coconut pie. While it was baking, I wrapped presents. Then, I made a chocolate meringue pie. I wrapped more presents while it baked Then, the meringue on my pie cracked in half down the middle while it was cooling, which it's never done before. While I was trying to hide the crack, I got some meringue on my fingers. When I licked it off, I realized it tasted horrible. I'd put too much baking powder in it (to keep it fluffier).

So I stripped the old meringue off and made up some more. Then, I stuck the damn pie BACK in the oven. Then, I wrapped more presents. Then, I made oatmeal cookies. Then, I wrapped MORE FUCKING PRESENTS. And I don't mean I stuck them in gift bags. I ended up with 32 packages, and all but one of them was hand-wrapped and decorated with ribbons and bows and name tags. The other was a couple of pairs of earrings for my mother, which were put in those boxes that look like Christmas Chinese takeout, packed with tissue paper, taped down, and decorated with bows and name tags. Oh, and then the little handle things were tied together to make it one present instead of two.

Then, I picked up all the wrapping shit in the living and stuffed it back in the closet. After that, I finished cleaning up the kitchen (which, admittedly, wasn't much because I clean as I go--I just had to wash the last cookie sheet, stick a couple of things in the dishwasher, and wipe down the counters and stove) and put the cookies in a Christmas carrier thing. I also put the pies in the refrigerator. Then, I packed up everything I won't need tomorrow morning that I need to take with me.

It is now 2 am. I just got out of the shower and turned the dishwasher on. I am so exhausted. My back hurts so bad I can hardly sit up straight. Oh, and did I mention I started all that shit at 6 pm? Yes, it took me 8 hours to get ready for the holidays. Not to mention that I had to paddle around in the monsoon before that to finish my shopping.

Oh, and to add insult to injury, because I was mixing everything up with the mixer they gave me and wrapping Kitty's presents with the same rolls of paper I've been using for the last 3 years or so (which means it was what I wrapped *their* presents with a couple of Christmases ago), I couldn't stop thinking about any of them.

*Sigh* I need the thing from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

I'm going to eat something and go lay down. I hurt so bad. And I need to get up tomorrow and go home. I have to meet my daddy halfway to pick up the curio cabinet we had commissioned for my mother's birthday, which is on Christmas Day, and I have to get there in time to load the thing up, drive home, and get it in the basement before she gets off work.


I wish I could tell them Merry Christmas. But I also know that it'd be a total douchebag move. Well, except for Kitty because she and I are cool now. But still...I hope they have a good Christmas. I know I'll be thinking about them, despite all efforts to the contrary.

Ok. Leaving you with my favorite Christmas song by one of my favorite singers. Bed now.

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