Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Bunny Has Nothing Of Importance To Say

I'm still at ChaosKitty's. My intention was to go home today, but it's rainy and foggy as hell, so I stayed. I'll probably have to stay again tomorrow, too. I will be heading back on Thursday at the latest, though.

Work is getting increasingly hard. We're behind by two days on our deadline, though they assured me it wasn't a big deal. It's kind of a big deal to me, though, because I need the money. I hope like hell we can get all this done by tomorrow.

I also started today, so I am obviously hating life right now. I love hanging out with ChaosKitty, but I would love to have my own bed since my back hurts so much.

In other news, ChaosKitty and I have found a slave boy to share (we think). He seems nice enough and clearly obedient, since we had him write an essay for us because we were so behind, LOL. I think we plan on continuing to talk to him online for now, to make sure he's not a tard, and then maybe meeting him after the holidays. He lives in Atlanta, so she'll see him more than I will. I'll definitely take great pleasure in having someone to kick in nuts, etc., though. And, yes, he DOES sound like a painslut. Yay, LOL!

But, yeah, we'll have to see. I'm just sad that douchenozzle still has my fucking strap on harness. And my nylon hood. And my rather expensive armbinder. And probably some other shit, too, but those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head, since I don't keep a running tally of my sex toys.

I'm not, however, sad enough to bother speaking to his hypocritical ass in order to ask for them back. I feel certain that hell will freeze over and the devil will be buying ice skates before that happens.


Not that I'm bitter.


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