Monday, December 5, 2011

Cough, Wheeze, Cough, Ad Nauseam

Well, we didn't meet our deadline. Or, rather, we aren't going to. ChaosKitty still has 11 750-word essays to write, all of which I'll have to proofread and format and add all the links that they want done in the most confusing, roundabout way. I have one more essay to write, too, but maybe that won't take long.

I'm so sick. I've been struggling with allergies/asthma all weekend. My albuterol inhaler won't kill the cough. Cough drops sort of work, but only while I have them in my mouth. As soon as they dissolve completely, I start hacking again. My throat is sore, and my voice is wrecked. My whole body aches all over from the strain of coughing so much.

Every time I lay down and try to sleep, I cough and cough and cough some more. Then, I wheeze. Then, I cough. Then, I cry. Then, I cough even more. I suck on cough drops, but I'm afraid to go to sleep with one in. With my luck, I'll choke on it and die. *Eyeroll*

God, this sucks. I've walked around in a fog all weekend from oxygen deprivation. As soon as we can finish this, I'm going home, and I think ChaosKitty is coming with me. But we have to finish first, though I'm afraid I won't be able to get it done if I can't breathe.

I hate my life.

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