Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I Once Was Lost, But Now I'm Just Blind

I think I just a wall.

I don't give a fuck anymore.

I have beat my head against the wall for these assholes we work for, only to be told right at Christmas time that they're going to fuck up our pay, so that we have two days to finish 30 750-essays if we want to get our money in time to do our Christmas shopping. I have done all I can do. I have jumped through hoops, dropped everything to please them, and they still keep jerking us around.

I'm done.

If I'm not going to get paid either way, I don't give a damn if you NEVER get your motherfucking essays. As a matter of fact, you can take 'em and shove 'em where the sun don't shine, lady.

In addition to that, there's the other asshole who keeps bothering us to do his site work, but won't pay us. I'm tired of jumping through his hoops, too. Either ante up or fuck off. I don't care anymore.

I've been so goddamn sick with asthma for the last two weeks that I can barely hold my head up. I cough so hard, I give myself a headache. I can't make it through more than 2 or 3 minutes without having a coughing fit. I cough so hard and so long that I come close to blacking out ****TMI**** I'm coughing so hard that I lose control of my fucking bladder from time to time, which is disgusting. ****End TMI**** My whole body hurts all over from hacking my goddamn brains out.

The albuterol isn't helping. Cough drops help some, but only while I have them in my mouth. As soon as they dissolve, it's back to the same old shit. If I sit in the hottest bath I can stand and draw the shower curtain, the humidity eases it for a bit, but as soon as I get out, I'm doing it again.

So I'm sorry if my fucking asthma INCONVENIENCES these sonsofbitches. But I'm going to bed. The coughing and the steam from the bathtub and just the general exhaustion from, you know, lack of oxygen has worn me the fuck out.

I have in my hands an iced cherry Pop-Tart and an iced chocolate Pop-Tart. I am going to eat them because they are warm and full of goodness. And then I am going to bed.

And fuck anybody who doesn't like it. If they have a big enough problem with it, they can spring for a fucking lung transplant.


I know this couldn't be more pathetic, but...I need someone to take care of me. :(


Edited to add: Oh, God. The fucker who didn't want to pay finally paid. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I'm going to go die now. And fuck that other company in the ass with a rotten 2 x 4 with rusty nails protruding. I can buy presents now, so I don't give a FUCK if they never get their shit.

Ok. Bed.

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