Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So, after over a week of going without, I got a frappucino (cafe vanilla, what else?) at Starbucks on my way home from buying groceries. Apparently, depriving yourself of caffeine for that long, then getting a venti makes you productive as hell. Of course, I wasn't *completely* deprived of caffeine--just of the sugary goodness of frappucinos.

I managed to get a lot accomplished today. I also managed to do a lot of fucking around, LOL. But I think I did ok, anyway.

I've pretty much worked myself into exhaustion now. Thank God. It shuts my brain up so I can sleep when I do that. So I'm thinking of a snack and then bed because I need to do some more work tomorrow. I'm ahead of the game this week, and I'd like to stay that way for when Kitty and ChaosKitty roll into town. :)

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