Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Greatest Thing Ever

After scaling back my Lamictal to 150 mgs. a couple of weeks ago, I can't stop gagging. Just...randomly. At less than 150, it wasn't as bad, and at more than 150, it wasn't as bad. Unfortunately, right now, 150 is where it appears I need to be. So I gag uncontrollably every morning when I brush my teeth, which means I'm never able to get them clean enough to suit me. I can't use mouthwash in hopes of helping it out, either, because that makes me gag, too, as does flossing my teeth. I gag when I think of anything even mildly distasteful. Sometimes, I just do it for no reason. Everything's fine, I'm going along good, and then, suddenly, out of the blue, I'm dry-heaving.

Fucking seizure med.

Anyway, I also take a Super-B vitamin complex because a.) Lamictal depletes folic acid (B9), and b.) I go batshit if I don't have enough B12, which is a common enough problem among the population. I'd been doing the sublingual drops, but then I ran out. When I went to the store to buy more, all they had were the giant horse pills, so I sucked it up and bought them. And now...you guessed it--they make me gag when I try to take them.

So I went back to Wal-Mart today, since my PayPal and other transfers finally hit my bank account. I was looking for the drops and came upon God's gift to crazy people who gag: gummy Super-B complex vitamins.

All my prayers have been answered. Now, if I could only figure out a way to make dental hygiene easier....

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