Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hi, Blog, Long Time, No See

Mood: 0, would be better if I weren't sick AGAIN

Meds: 11:30 am?

Sleep: 16 hours. From 6 pm yesterday (when I was going to take a "short nap") until 11:30 am today. Told you I was sick.

Other: I'm really embarrassed that I haven't updated this thing like I'm supposed to. I'm sorry. :( I just get SO fucking tired that a lot of nights, I fall asleep without doing it like I should. I'm pretty sure I'm never going to get over this plague I have. I know this is probably a relapse of it. And it totally kicks my ass every time it flares up.

I wish I knew what to write about today, but I don't. I'm trying really hard to get better, but there are things that continue to hold me back. Some I can do something about, some I can't. But I guess that's how it'll always be. I dunno.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about where I belong in life, and the truth is that I can't really answer that question. Maybe one day.

Ok, bedtime. I wish I could offer more, but...ugh. Exhaustion refuses to let me.

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