Monday, May 23, 2011


Mood: -2

Meds: 5 pm

Sleep: 10-11 hours.

Other: I have no idea how much I'll be around the next few days. I'm going southward for my mother's surgery tomorrow. The surgery isn't until Tuesday, but I need to go get some new prescriptions from the doctor tomorrow. I'm going to see about getting something to take as needed for my random bouts of paranoia and/or rage.

Got a lot on my mind, but I need to take my ass to bed soon, so I'm not going to mention them right now. Suffice it to say, I'm still sad because I still miss the people I love most. I also really dread being stuck down there indefinitely. They said she might just have to stay overnight, and I hope that's the case. I want to bail ASAP because sitting in that damned hospital is miserable. Plus, my daddy was supposed to be there, but now he's not going to be, so I get to be the one to corral all my batshit family members for the duration.

I'd rather herd cats, personally. It'd be easier.

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