Monday, May 9, 2011


Mood: 2

Meds: 11 am

Sleep: 7 hours or so

Other: Went home for Mothers' Day this weekend. My mama took me shopping and bought me a couple of new pairs of flip-flops and some new clothes. I've officially dropped a pants size because I'm now the proud owner of a pair of size 20 capris, LOL. My goal is to be down to an 18 by mid-summer and, hopefully, down to a 16 by Christmas. Maybe more. A 14 (or possibly 12) is going to be my stopping point. :) Gotta go grocery shopping tomorrow. Also going to try to start getting my room clean. Maybe if I do a little at a time, I can get it done. I was going to work tonight, but I caught up on some blogging instead. Work blogging, that is. So, technically, I did work. I just didn't make any money, LOL.

I still feel kind of lonely and off-center. I'm not sure if I'm just crazy (shut up) or if it's indicative of some greater problem. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by the massive clusterfuck that is my life. I'm trying to really hard to overcome some of this shit, but it's slow going. I had to cancel my therapy appointment (was supposed to be Monday) because I didn't have the money to go. :(

In other news, I found the most fantastic site the other day. This is going to belong to me as soon as I have a few extra dollars. It's a fucking BUNNY-EAR HOODIE. A VICTORIAN bunny-ear hoodie. (Ok, well, if it's Victorian, it's not technically a "hoodie," but whatever.) I'll probably get the blue one. :) There are tons of other cute shit on the site. I'm not a huge fan of some of the Gothic Lolita stuff because a lot of it's not bright enough for me. But some of the other stuff....Let's just say when I have money, I'll have lots of frilly, girly, Victorian-era little girl dresses for no other reason than because it makes me happy. So what if I look like a moron?

Ok. Snack and then bed. It's been a long weekend.

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