Thursday, May 12, 2011

Love Is Like A Brick: You Can Build A House Or Sink A Dead Body

Mood: Shit.

Meds: 3 pm or something

Sleep: 10 hours

Other: Didn't eat a lot today. Should've worked, but I cleaned house some more instead. My living room is completely done except for hanging curtains, but I'm going to need a man with a drill--probably my father--for that, since it took me 2 hours to put the damn DVD rack together by myself. It hurts my bad elbow that may or may not be tennis elbow so badly to rotate my hand outward, and that's all working a screwdriver is. I also need a lampshade for one of the lamps in there. Would love a cheap wall clock and a couple of cheap things to set on tables, but it's not necessary. Massive mountain of laundry is done and put away. I still have a way to go on my bedroom, but it shouldn't be *too* much longer, I hope.

Why, yes, I am doing this to take my mind off how much things suck right now. Whatever makes you ask?

Apparently, I am not only completely unlovable, but now I'm being ignored because I don't even merit being spoken to. AGAIN. I'm so tired of this. So. Fucking. Tired. Why do I keep putting myself through this? WHY?

Because I haven't run out of excuses to make for him yet, I guess.

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