Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This Is Going To Suck

Mood: Meh. 0, I guess

Meds: 12 pm

Sleep: 7 hours

Other: At my parents' house. I went to the doctor today. She upped my Lamictal. Told me to start by upping it by 25 mg and see how that did. If it's not enough, I'll go up another 25. She said I can keep going 'til I get to 200, but that if I think I'm fine at 125 (or wherever), I can stop there. We shall see. I imagine I'm going to be dumb as fuck again for awhile. A lot of the cognitive side effects have eased, so I hope if I get more of them, they'll be transient, too.

Going to get a snack and try to sleep. We have to be in Auburn tomorrow by 9, and my mother thinks it's necessary to leave an hour and 15 minutes before we have to be there when it's a 45 minute drive.

This is going to suck SO BAD.

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