Friday, May 27, 2011

Back From The Dead

Mood: Unhappy

Meds: 150 mg. Wellbutrin and 100 mg. Lamictal at 12 pm; about to take the other 25 mg. of Lamictal as soon as I finish writing this.

Sleep: Oh, 'bout 18 hours. I passed out around 5:30 yesterday afternoon and woke up around 11:30 this morning. I must've really needed it.

Other: Work's been hopping, thank God. I needed to make up for lost time. Personal life is shit, as usual. I'd elaborate, but I'm hungry. Maybe later. I will say, though, that I'm going to bail if I don't get what I want. Five years is more than enough time to wait on some asshole to get his shit together.

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