Sunday, May 22, 2011

Self-Pity...I Haz It

Mood: Blah.

Meds: 3:30-4 pm? Something.

Sleep: Fitful 8 or 9 hours.

Other: Life sucks, and I hate everybody and everything.

I know I haven't really been updating like I should. I haven't had the energy, to tell the truth. I force myself to work, but that's about it. I don't really feel like doing jack fucking shit anymore.

Fangbunny is leaving on Thursday. I'm glad she's going to be able to go and do what she wants to do. But I'm gonna be really lonely. :(

It's kind of hard contemplating a life with NO friends. Well, not with zero friends, but without any closer than 2 hours and several counties away. I went through this my freshman year in college, but I really never thought I'd be nearly 30 and having to do it again. Unfortunately, there's not a sorority I can join to meet some of the best friends of my life now. :(

Story of my life.

Now I'm tired, headachy, and irritated. I have to go to my parents' house Monday because my mother is having surgery (again) on Tuesday. I don't have any refills on my Lamictal prescription, so the plan is to get to the doctor on Monday to get a refill. I know I shouldn't say this, but I don't want to go. I really just want to hide out from the world. It's not going to happen, though. :|

I want my best friend back. I want to be able to be with the ones I love without drama. I want the person who's at the root of all this bullshit to die in a fire. You'll never convince me that all this shit wasn't the malicious act of a goddamn sociopath. I can only hope karma will remember me....

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