Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Slow Progress

Mood: 0

Meds: Fuck if I know. I took them. That's all I can tell you.

Sleep: 6 hours?

Food: Half a 12-inch chicken salad sandwich from Subway, some barbecue pork rinds (yes, I know*), orange Powerade Zero, some strawberries, and a couple of pieces of sugar-free candy for lunch. The other half of the sandwich, more pork rinds, a thing of cherry yogurt, and a couple more pieces of candy for supper with Diet Dr. Pepper. Believe it or not, that's all I've eaten today. *Yes, I know how redneck the pork rinds are, but they didn't have sweet potato chips at Wal-Mart today, and they have fewer carbs, anyway.

Exercise: Shopping?

Other: I've got my eating back on track now because I went to the grocery store today. Thank God. Maybe I'll start exercising again soon, too.

My day started out really shitty. I didn't sleep well last night. It was all crazy dreams and waking up a million times. I couldn't make myself do anything, and I was really irritable. I finally forced myself to get up and bathe and go to the grocery store because I was flat out of food. After I finished with that, I stopped by Subway to get one of their new chicken salad sandwiches I'd heard about. It was actually pretty good. I'm a total chicken salad addict.

I still couldn't get motivated, so I popped a No-Doz. I was able to work for about 3 hours before it wore off, and then I took another. I got a bunch of blogs done. No calls, though. :(

After I got irritated with work, I logged out and tried to clean my disgusting bedroom a little. I managed to get all the trash and dishes picked up on the right side of the bed. That was basically all there was because now there's only a couple of sex toys and a pen in the floor over there, LOL. Then, I moved to the left side, which had a bunch more random shit. I got the trash and dishes picked up on that side, too, and I piled all the books (which is what most of the random shit was) up into a clothes basket. There's really not much else I can do now until I picking up all the clothes off the floor. I intend to start at the door and work my way toward the foot of the bed tomorrow and wash all I pick up. I'll put the clean ones in baskets on the right and left sides of the bed, where there's not any shit, at least until I can dig out a trail to the closet.

My goal is to have the bedroom clean within the week. I hope I can do it because I want to rearrange the furniture in here, so I'll have more room. I would love to have my entire house put back together very soon. The living room furniture still isn't placed, but the living room itself is clean, except for the floor. I vacuumed it before they brought the new furniture, but it's been trampled all over with the moving and needs doing again. Same for this room-that's-not-a-room-but-also-not-a-hall thing in the middle of the house. Bathroom's clean. Kitchen will be clean again tomorrow when I clean out the refrigerator and take out the trash and put all the dirty dishes on to wash.

I'm getting there. I swear, I am. I'll never be Sally Homemaker because the idea of making someone a good little housewife makes me sick, but at least my place will be presentable. And I won't trip and nearly kill myself when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

Ok, going to bed now, I think. I have a lot of shit to do tomorrow.

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