Sunday, September 18, 2011


I am both overwhelmed by the massive amount of work we've got in store for us and amazed by our good fortune. I'm trying not to get too excited about it because it almost always seems like if I ever start counting on something, it always falls through. But, God, if it works out, this is our big break. There will be money to pay bills, money to finish school, and money to invest in the business....

This is probably the most hopeful you will ever hear me be, but...I sincerely hope that this is the Universe's way of making it up to be for having been shit on and given the short end of the stick my whole life. I feel like I've worked hard, played fair, and done everything I could to get to this point. So maybe this is my reward for not having a complete and total meltdown before I turned 30?

Is it too much to hope for that a reconciliation with the people that I care about might eventually be in store? Just as friends. I mean, it's slowly happening with Kitty, the rebuilding of trust and the making of reparations. Is it possible?

Please, God, please let it be possible.

And now for a little Gnarls Barkley, since I'm pretty sure that with the mountain of work we're about to be buried under, I'll soon look back at this day and say, "I remember when I lost my mind."

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