Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Oh, And...

I've got another bone to pick.

It chaps my ass that I was basically told, "Oh, well, I decided I couldn't be with you because I thought your crazy was contagious."

Gee, thanks, asshole. If that shit gets airborne, the whole human race is fucked, isn't it? say you struggle with "depression"? But that she can "pull you out of it"? Well, I've got news for you. If another person can "pull you out of it," it's not fucking depression. It's self-pity, which is something completely different, and it's downright fucking insulting for you to act as if it's not.

Secondly, don't you know that regardless of how crazy I am, I'd still have done anything in the world to make you happy? Do you not realize that I function best when I feel like I have a purpose? And if that meant taking care of you when you're down, then don't you think I would have done it? I'd have put aside any of my own bullshit to deal with yours because it's what I've always done. That's what you do for someone you love.

Thirdly, whether or not you end up old, bitter, and alone has nothing to do with whether you ended up with me or not. It's your lying, your backstabbing, and your hypocrisy that will leave you old, bitter, and alone, not my presence.

Ok. I'm done now.

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