Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day One

The massive clusterfuck is half over.

The funeral home was tonight; funeral at the church tomorrow. Because of the holiday and the weird way A/C does their newspapers, the obit won't be published until Tuesday. Which makes less than NO sense. But whatever.

The part of the family we don't claim came to make a big show in front of everyone. Which, of course, was totally fucktarded and 100% expected. I don't think they're fooling nearly as many people as they think they are, though. Most of the people who were there showed up for my mother, my father, and me. ;)

That whole story has yet to be told, though. That whole powder keg's going to blow soon, probably before the old lady is cold in the ground.

I have many other thoughts and observations, but I've been going wide open since I left home last night. I'm nearly dead on my feet, so I'll be saving those for later. I will say this, though: What I may lack in quantity of friends, I more than make up for in quality. While none of my friends could make it on such short notice, I know they've all been there in spirit. They've been nothing but wonderful: Kitty, Fangbunny, ChaosKitty, my work friends, and many others.

Besides, while most people may have a few friends here and a few friends there, I've got people praying for me all over the Western Hemisphere! And that's not something just anybody can say. ;)

My job may suck, but the people I work with don't. <3

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