Saturday, September 3, 2011

I'm Not Sure If This Is Better Or Worse


I slept last night, but now I feel incredibly hungover. I think the Risperdal took away the manic part of the mixed episode, and now I'm just depressed.

ChaosKitty's friend C. has been here since last night. I feel really bad because I'm being extremely anti-social and hiding in my room, but I just don't feel up to facing the world today. I just...can't...right now.

My mother called earlier and said that they told them again that my grandmother won't make it through the night. I guess it's selfish of me, but I'm not dropping everything and running down there again. If she dies, I'll go. If not, I'm staying put. I have to go down on Wednesday to take my mother to have her surgery done on Thursday, anyway. And I need to work if I can force myself to do it.

I guess I'm a terrible person. But, really, right now all I care about is seeing if I can make it through the day.

I'm hungry, and I'd love to go back to bed. I'm also in dire need of a shower. But I just don't want to go in there and face anyone right now, so I'm holed up in my room. Maybe I'll come up with the wherewithal to go do that stuff soon. :(

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