Saturday, September 17, 2011


So...T., my designer, has just made me a very busy woman. Me AND ChaosKitty. T. works for probably the biggest and richest company out there now. They're in need of writers. I told her, yeah, sure, we'll do it, thinking we'd make an extra $50 or so here and there, right?

Uh, yeah, no.

I just got finished talking to the owner of the company, and it's looking like ChaosKitty and I are going to be writing 15 pieces each, per week, at $20 a pop. So that's $300 a week for EACH of us, not counting what we're making with our other ventures. Oh, and she said she had enough stuff to keep us busy at LEAST through January.

Christ on a crutch. I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to leave the house again.

But...I'm finally going to be able to tell the despots at my old company to take their rules and their shitty pay and their bullshit and shove it up their collective asses. I'm going to make quite an exit because I've been wanting to do it for a long, long time.

Then, I can take the extra money and put toward our own little "company" that we're working on, too. We're gonna have more shit to do than we've ever had in our lives, but being COMPLETELY independent is going to be worth it...right?

I can't believe this shit. I guess somebody, somewhere, finally decided to have mercy on us.

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