Saturday, October 8, 2011

Oh, Jesus

I hurt so bad.

I hurt every time I start, but this is the worst it's been in awhile, I think. I swear before God, if I weren't afraid it'd make me either batshit or fatter, I'd go on birth control. Not that I need it for that purpose, given that it's been a year now since there has been anybody's cock in my vag, but whatever.

I actually ate pizza rolls and green peas for dinner. By choice. I crave grease and green veggies at this time of month. I also had oatmeal cream pies because there's never a bad time for anything with cream filling.

I'm rolling around in bed, contemplating death. This has GOT to ease off if I'm going to get anything done. I took some migraine meds earlier. (Dollar General didn't have any PMS meds, and, honestly, they're basically the same thing, anyway.) I hope they'll start working soon.

Until then, I'll lay here with my heating pad and wallow in misery.

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