Friday, October 28, 2011

Caffeine: The Answer To All Life's Problems

Last night, I took a mental health day. I really needed to work, but I felt so...shitty, for lack of a better word. I gathered together basically every snack food in my house, got a Powerade, and went to the couch to watch movies. I watched The Little Mermaid first, thus confirming my undying hatred of Ariel's stupid ass. Then, it was Beauty and the Beast, my favorite Princess movie. Shortly thereafter, I took a sleeping pill and went to bed, in hopes that it'd make me feel better.

I woke up feeling like hell again. It was all I could do to force myself to get up and go to the mailbox to see if my check was there. Luckily, I did because my check [i]was[/i] there. I took it to the bank and went to McDonald's for a mocha frappe. (I was on the wrong end of town for a cafe vanilla frappucino from Starbucks.)

I don't know if it's the caffeine or the fact that I dropped the Lamictal by a pill today, but I feel a little better. I went down to 150 mg. from 175 because I figured that'd be better than upping Wellbutrin from 150 to 300. (The Wellbutin are extended-release pills, so I can't cut the fuckers in half.)

So, yeah, I imagine it's a caffeine/Wellbutrin activation high from the Lamictal reduction layered on top of depression, but I'll take anything I can get right now.

And now I work.

ETA: This post from Hyperbole and a Half (which I love) pretty well sums it up. Adventures In Depression

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