Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Days 22-27

Day 22: I'm thankful that Thanksgiving is over.

Day 23: I'm thankful that the hospital gave me a 65% discount on my thyroid test because I don't have insurance. I ended up paying $24 and some odd cents for the whole thing.

Day 24: I'm thankful that I now have my truck back and that it's fixed now. My mechanic tuned it up, changed out the spark plugs and wires (which had never been changed--the factory plugs and wires were still on it, and that truck is a 2000 model!), replaced the vacuum hose (which had a hole burned all the way through the damn thing, apparently), and replaced the idle control motor so that he could adjust the idle up. The result is better gas mileage (thank God in Heaven) and a truck that no longer rides like a pulpwood truck and/or goes dead at intersections. *Happy dance*

Day 25: I'm thankful that Cousin Jesus, who is pretty much an asshat in every other possible way, apparently seems to give a shit about his kid. I went to his house with my mama and saw the kid for the first time. He wanted us to pick up some pink and purple Christmas decoration specifically for the little girl, so my mama did that, and then we went up there to decorate. Despite the fact that he is a spoiled rotten douchebag, he apparently loves her and is trying to do the best he can for her, even in the middle of what's turning into a messy-ass divorce. So that's good, I guess.

Day 26: I'm thankful that Dr. Awesome called me today to tell me that my thyroid test came back normal. Not the doctor's office: the doctor herself. And she asked me how my sinus problem was doing (better, but not 100%) and if I'd been keeping up with my pulse rate. I told her that I had been, but that I was going to go to Walmart tomorrow and check it on the blood pressure cuff thing there to make sure it's accurate. Then, she told me if I continued to have issues with it to come back and see her. God, I love this woman.

Day 27: I'm thankful that my friend B. in Huntsville is helping me catch up all the work I've gotten behind on in the past month or two. I should be able to start the month of December completely caught up.

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