Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day Four: My One Talent

This is Day Four, and today I am thankful for the one real talent I have in this world, which is my ability to put words to the screen in a satisfactory enough manner that other people want to pay me for it. I am aware that, no matter how badly I would like to, I will probably never be able to write The Great American Novel. My talent, unfortunately, does not extend to fiction. I'll probably always hope that it will, but I'll live even if it never comes to fruition.

For now, it's enough that I'm able to make a little money doing what I've always wanted to do. Sure, it's not the most noble use of my talents, but I'm writing for a paycheck, which is something that's just a dream for other people in this world. So for that, I am grateful.

Through the pen, I make my ends now.... ;)

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