Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 30

Last day.

Today, I'm thankful that I'm going to start a new job in January. Same industry, but hopefully something with a steadier paycheck. I'm looking forward to it. :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 29

I'm thankful that, now that all my clients have decided that they can't pay me, I'll have more time to work on my own shit.

I'm trying to look on the bright side here. It's not working out so well.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 28

Today is my birthday. Today, I am thankful that my mother, however much of a pain in the ass as she can be, came to take me to lunch earlier. Otherwise, I'd have had to spend my birthday all alone. I've never done that before, and I'm glad I haven't started (yet).

This Is My Song, For Real, No Doubt

Well, it's that time of year again.

I'm listening to this song--doing what I've done every November 28th since 2001, when this song came out. Back then, I imagined one day having a huge blowout of a party in which this song featured prominently. But I was a senior in high school then and still believed I would eventually have friends one day. So, yeah, this song is kinda bittersweet since I never got that amazing party I always wanted. :|

If it's your birthday,
Then put your hands up
You wanna get drunk,
Then put your hands up
And if you got some cash,
Put your hands up
And your own job,
Put your hands up

Players wanna play
Ballers wanna ball
Rollers wanna roll
But I'm takin' off
After I dance....

I no longer hold out hope for the party. Nowadays, I just have to be satisfied that I held the demons at bay and made it another year.

Happy Fucking Birthday to me.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Days 22-27

Day 22: I'm thankful that Thanksgiving is over.

Day 23: I'm thankful that the hospital gave me a 65% discount on my thyroid test because I don't have insurance. I ended up paying $24 and some odd cents for the whole thing.

Day 24: I'm thankful that I now have my truck back and that it's fixed now. My mechanic tuned it up, changed out the spark plugs and wires (which had never been changed--the factory plugs and wires were still on it, and that truck is a 2000 model!), replaced the vacuum hose (which had a hole burned all the way through the damn thing, apparently), and replaced the idle control motor so that he could adjust the idle up. The result is better gas mileage (thank God in Heaven) and a truck that no longer rides like a pulpwood truck and/or goes dead at intersections. *Happy dance*

Day 25: I'm thankful that Cousin Jesus, who is pretty much an asshat in every other possible way, apparently seems to give a shit about his kid. I went to his house with my mama and saw the kid for the first time. He wanted us to pick up some pink and purple Christmas decoration specifically for the little girl, so my mama did that, and then we went up there to decorate. Despite the fact that he is a spoiled rotten douchebag, he apparently loves her and is trying to do the best he can for her, even in the middle of what's turning into a messy-ass divorce. So that's good, I guess.

Day 26: I'm thankful that Dr. Awesome called me today to tell me that my thyroid test came back normal. Not the doctor's office: the doctor herself. And she asked me how my sinus problem was doing (better, but not 100%) and if I'd been keeping up with my pulse rate. I told her that I had been, but that I was going to go to Walmart tomorrow and check it on the blood pressure cuff thing there to make sure it's accurate. Then, she told me if I continued to have issues with it to come back and see her. God, I love this woman.

Day 27: I'm thankful that my friend B. in Huntsville is helping me catch up all the work I've gotten behind on in the past month or two. I should be able to start the month of December completely caught up.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Doctor Awesome

Ok, so I came to my parents' for the holiday yesterday, and I'll be here until Sunday. Since my prescriptions are out of refills, I went to my doctor today to get some new prescriptions. I cannot even put into words how amazing she is. She's so fantastic that I'll drive 2 hours to see her instead of getting my own doctor where I live. I hope she stays in this area forever.

It just so happened that I developed the plague over the last few days, so I had her check that for me, which turned out to be some sort of sinus infection. She gave me antibiotics and Nasonex for that, for free out of her office and a coupon to use to buy Mucinex. (See? Awesome!) Then, I laid out my laundry list for her.

She upped my Lamictal to 200 mg. because I told her that while I'm mostly controlled, I still have breakthrough spells sometimes. So now I'm to take 100 mg. of Lamictal in the morning with my Wellbutrin, and then another 100 mg. of Lamictal at night before bed. Ok, super, this will probably help. She even prescribed them differently this time for me to make the price cheaper. Go, Dr. M!

After that, I told her that sometimes I have a hard time going to sleep, but that I generally stay asleep once I get to sleep. But, of course, any sort of sleep disturbance starts sending me spinning my wheels in one direction or the other. I didn't get a full night's sleep last night or the night before, and I've got that whole hypomanic inner vibration going on inside me. I told her that I normally take Unisom over the counter, but that they knock me out for much too long--as in 14+ hours at a time, which is ridiculous. I told her that I tried cutting the 25 mg. pills in half to make 12.5 mg. pills, but that it didn't help, either. So she said, "No problem, I'll get you a prescription for Ambien." Awesome!

Then, I talked to her about migraines I've started back having again and asked her about a certain med that I used to take for them when I was younger and saw a neurologist for migraines (read: when I still had insurance). She told me that she couldn't write me many because they could be habit-forming, and I said that'd be fine because I wouldn't need that many, anyway. So, yay, a prescription for a barbiturate to be used whenever I take my over-the-counter Aspirin/Tylenol/Caffeine migraine pills. Fabulous!

Next, I mentioned some problems I've been having with regards to muscle weakness, in my hands and jaw muscles, especially. These are big problems when it comes to doing things like opening jars and bottles with my hands and trying to eat. My jaw muscles get tired partway through my meal, and I have to stop and rest. So she asked me some questions and then said she wanted me to go and have a thyroid test done at the hospital. So I'm gonna try to go over there on Friday. *Fingers crossed*

As she was looking at my tonsils, she asked me if I snored. I told her yes. She told me that she figured I had to, given the size of my tonsils. Then, she went on to say that when I get insurance, I need to have a sleep study done because I most likely have sleep apnea. I don't doubt this in the least and when I get insurance (hopefully in the next few months), I'll go do the sleep study.

Finally, as she was listening to my lungs and heart, she found something odd. Odd enough for her to order an EKG right then. So I laid there, wondering WTF? They did the EKG, and she came back to show me the print out. Apparently, I have a type of cardiac arrythmia called Premature Ventricular Contraction, or PVC. (Yes, I totally had to Wiki PVC when I got home to see what the letters stood for, LOL. At the top of the page, it says "ECG without significant abnormalities." Then, it's also got "sinus rhythm (rapid)" and "premature ventricular complexes."

Anyway, it amounts to me having an irregular heartbeat and a too-fast pulse. Over the next couple of weeks, I'm to keep a check on my pulse to see if it continues to race and see if it's still irregular. It was pretty much there the whole time through the EKG, and if it doesn't get better, she's going to look into it farther and probably put me on some meds to chill it the hell out. She said it would probably help with my feeling tired all the time if we could get my erratically galloping heart to slow the hell down and start trotting in time again.

So, basically, this doctor is exceptional times a million, and I am so happy to have her.

The questionable thyroid thing doesn't really bother me, but the questionable heart thing does. Though I suppose that if I must die at some point, going out via heart trouble is better than a lot of things. At least it isn't usually painful if I remember correctly. And how ironic that my heart will be the death of me, since it's been broken for years, anyhow? *Sigh*

Now, if you will excuse me, the letters on the page have been dancing for awhile, and I'm drunk off my ass from the Ambien I took earlier. So I'm going to have myself a snack and go to bed before the hallucinations start--which they will if I don't get to sleep soon.

Days 20 & 21

Ok, more thankfulness time.

Day 20: I'm thankful for Jimmy Buffett. His music takes me to the places I'd much rather be, at least until I can do my expatriation thing that I want to do.

Day 21: I had to go to the doctor today (this is going to be a separate post), and I have to say I'm super-thankful for my doctor. The woman is amazing. Given how many shitty doctors there are in this world, my awesome doctor is very much a blessing.

Now I'm going to try to write a separate post about my doctor visit before the Ambien I took a little while ago kicks in.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Days 9-19

Uh, yeah, I fail spectacularly at remembering to do this shit.

Things I am thankful for, days 9-19.

Day 9: I'm thankful for coffee. I pretty much sublimated a bad binge drinking habit and a sex addiction into a caffeine and work addiction. Maybe not the healthiest thing in the world, but it beats the alternative.

Day 10: I'm thankful for the Internet. Without it, I wouldn't have a job, I wouldn't have a lot of the friends I have, and I probably wouldn't even have my sanity because it was on the webz that I figured out what the hell was wrong with me.

Day 11: I'm thankful for my Kindle. It has provided me with lots of entertainment and happiness over the years.

Day 12: I'm thankful McRib is coming back soon. Yes, I'm a pathetic fat ass. No, you're not allowed to make any comment whatsoever about that.

Day 13: I'm thankful I have a place to live that is not my parents' house or the house of some dude, even if it's not the fanciest place ever. I like being alone.

Day 14: I'm thankful for my message board. It's a great place to hang out while working, and I've met some fantastic people there. I've even met several of them in real life and have made some great friends in that way.

Day 15: I'm thankful that my birthday is not going to be on Thanksgiving this year because I hate when that happens. Of course, the Universe added insult to injury by making it be on Thanksgiving *next* year when I--oh, God--turn 30, but we're not thinking about that right now.

Day 16: I'm thankful that I've lived long enough to realize some of the fucked up shit I've done and to stop doing it. I hope that God will let me live long enough to try to make even the smallest amends to the people I've hurt.

Day 17: I'm thankful for my super-comfortable bed. This mattress is probably the nicest thing I've ever owned.

Day 18: I'm thankful for the ocean. Just knowing that it exists somewhere under the same sky as me is often enough to calm my soul for a little while.

Day 19: I'm thankful that even in the dark, depressing dead of winter (and fall), there will always be the promise of a warm, bright, and shining spring and summer. At least until I can have the means and the wherewithal to move somewhere where the only seasons are rainy and not rainy.

Ok, I think I'm caught up, at least for now. Maybe I won't wait so long about updating again next time.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Days 5-8

Days 5-8, or why Bunny sucks at being thankful.

No, seriously, I've just felt like ass lately and haven't done much of anything. I have to start back doing shit today, and I figured this would be as good a place as any to start.

Day 5: I'm thankful for my job. Yes, it's a pain in my ass most of the time, but the truth is, if I didn't work for myself, I wouldn't be employed at all. And I enjoy what I do, for the most part. I just get burnt out easily, which is due to a number of factors. But I've liked it more than anything else I've ever done, and I could see myself doing it forever if I could make some more money (and if the stress factor eased up a little).

Day 6: This is sort of a corollary to Day 5, but I'm thankful for all the kick-ass people I've met while doing my job and associated jobs. Working at home is extremely isolating, even for people who aren't terrible at making friends like I am. It gets boring and lonely. It's nice to have other people who understand and can keep you "company," even if they're scattered all over North America and none of them live within 300 miles of you. Also, I work with (or have worked with) some of the craziest, smartest, and most hilarious people on the face of the earth. I love them all to death and wish that our jokes of starting a commune somewhere tropical could come true!

Day 7: I am thankful for the way that God has chosen to reveal Him/Her/Itself to me so that I can believe and follow without compromising the things I hold dear. I think that, in the end, we're all following the same God, the same eternal truth, via a whole lot of different paths. I just wish we could all see that so we can stop fighting over it, although I suppose we all do, eventually, just at different times and places.

Day 8: I'm thankful for all my friends (not just Kitty and my work friends, although they're certainly included in this, too). Without them, I don't know where I would be. They're all brilliant, talented, beautiful people. (What, did you think I'd voluntarily spend time with people who weren't?) They're also a little crazy, but you have to be to put up with me, I think. They've been there for me when nobody else has, and I appreciate it more than they'll ever know.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day Four: My One Talent

This is Day Four, and today I am thankful for the one real talent I have in this world, which is my ability to put words to the screen in a satisfactory enough manner that other people want to pay me for it. I am aware that, no matter how badly I would like to, I will probably never be able to write The Great American Novel. My talent, unfortunately, does not extend to fiction. I'll probably always hope that it will, but I'll live even if it never comes to fruition.

For now, it's enough that I'm able to make a little money doing what I've always wanted to do. Sure, it's not the most noble use of my talents, but I'm writing for a paycheck, which is something that's just a dream for other people in this world. So for that, I am grateful.

Through the pen, I make my ends now.... ;)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Days 2 & 3

Ok, I suck at life and missed day 2 of this thing, so I'm combining them into one entry.

Day Two: I am thankful for medical science. Had I lived 500 years ago, I'd have probably been burned as a witch or subjected to very unpleasant exorcisms. Had I lived 100 years ago--or before the 1950s, really--I'd have probably been locked away in an institution my whole life. Had I been born 30 years earlier and medicated at the same age, my only options would've been lithium, lithium, one of the typical anti-psychotics, or lithium. Well, depending on exactly when they started treating me, Tegretol could've been an option, too.

But even 20 or 30 years ago, we didn't have nearly the options for treating the batshit that we do now. By that time, de-institutionalization had become the norm, so I wouldn't have been locked away, but I also wouldn't be able to have drugs that are (mostly) side effect-free. So I am very grateful for all the advances in medical science to allow me to live a semi-normal life, at least in comparison to what *could* have happened to me, had I lived in any other time period in the past.

Day Three: I am thankful for my family--strictly defined by my own parameters. As anyone who knows me can attest, there is no love lost between my extended family and me. I'm grateful for the best father ever, for my awesome granny (who passed away in 2003), and even for my insane mother, though I doubt I'd be able to say that if we lived in the same county. I suppose I'm grateful for some of my other family members as well, but not most of them, and I'm too lazy to go through and name the ones I give a shit about. So I'll just say "family" as my obligatory response and be done with it.

Ok, I think that wraps it up for today. I didn't sleep at all yesterday--i.e., Thursday night/Friday morning--because one of my stupid SEO clients decided at 4:30 am that he wanted to have a "Skype meeting" at 1 pm. I hadn't been to bed yet at that time, so I just stayed up. I ended lying down around 4:30 pm, and I slept til about 2 am, which is when I woke up hungry and thirsty. I've finished eating now, so I'm going to bathe and go back to bed, I think. I have to go to my parents' house tomorrow because I'm helping with the Christmas open house at my great-aunt's flower shop again this year on Sunday, so I'm gonna need as much sleep as I can get before I go. God help me.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day One: Kitty

I've been seeing on Facebook all these people who are doing this "30 Days of Thankfulness" or whatever it's called. I want to do it, too, to remind myself that all is not shitty, but I don't feel comfortable posting some of this shit there. Ergo, it goes here.

This is day one.

I will start out my thankfulness thingie by saying that I'm thankful for Kitty. She is a wonderful cat who's been there for me for many, many years, most of the time when no one else was. The fact that I haven't run her off completely yet speaks volumes for what kind of loyal cat she is. I don't say it, but I'm fully aware of what it means.

So, one. I love Teh Kitteh.