Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Letters From A Crazy Person

Dear X,

In the grocery store today, the cashier whose line I got in looked so much like you that I had to check her name tag to make sure it *wasn't* you. I know, what the hell would you be doing working in the Oxford Walmart? I dunno. It just took me by surprise.

What's worse, she didn't just look like you. She talked and acted like you, too. And I had to stand there and smile and say nice things while she rang up my stuff and chatted with me. I think I pulled it off, but Jesus Christ, it was hard.

Before I left the house today, I had all sorts of big plans for all the stuff I was going to get done. But running into a you look-alike fucked my head up so much that I managed to write a grand total of 4 blogs all night long.

You're on my mind all the time. And the stupid radio keeps tormenting me with this song:

The song is 20 years old. Why is it playing on the radio every time I get in the truck nowadays?

I'm so sorry. So, so, so sorry. You'll never know how much. Just as you'll never know how much I love you.

~A Stupid Rabbit

Dear Y,

Florida was marvelous. Even if it did rain all the time, even if every single time we tried to swim was interrupted by something, even if we couldn't stay down there very long. None of that mattered. You know why? Because I was in my favorite place in the whole world...with you.

Oh, how I wish things could be the same again between us. You have no idea how much I wish they could be. I don't ever say anything, mostly because I'm a chicken shit, but I also don't want to make you uncomfortable. But, goddamn, I miss the way things used to be.

I guess it's true that you don't know what you once had until you've lost it. I took what we had for granted for years and years, and I deserved to be tossed aside for it. I don't blame you in the least. But that doesn't stop me from wishing it could be different.

I will keep hoping. I will keep hoping my whole life. But even if it never goes back to the way it was, I'd rather have it this way than not have you in my life at all.

You have always been--and will always be--loved by me.


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