Monday, September 17, 2012

I Can Hardly Stand All The Excitement

I've spent the past two weeks catching up on a backlog of shit that should've been done a long time ago. Some of it, I wasn't even aware had NOT been done. So B. from Huntsville and I have written probably 100 blog posts, getting (and keeping) everything up to date. Needless to say, I'm exhausted. The backlog is done, but I'm still having to write 4-6 posts a day to keep on top of everything.

But you know what? I work my ass off, and I deserve every goddamn dime of it...and then some.

In other news, the dreams still haven't stopped. Night before last I dreamed that J. had fallen off a bridge (dream logic, don't ask) in the middle of a storm. The water under the bridge was rushing violently (personal phobia), but no one else was going out to try to save her, so I did it. I pulled her out and thought she was dead. She lived, though, and I woke up shortly after that.

Talk about fucking nerve-wracking. Why won't these stupid dreams stop? All right, subconscious, I get it. I have issues and things I need to take care of. Stop beating me over the head with it, ok?

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