Sunday, February 19, 2012

Eventful Week

It's been a pretty eventful week.

Poor ChaosKitty has basically gone off the deep end. I sent her money and basically made her come over here with me, so I could keep an eye on her and get her some help. She got here on Thursday, and then her phone and my MP3 player were promptly stolen out of my fucking truck while we were in Walmart. :(

I've been trying to swing a psychiatrist's appointment for her since she got here. Who knew that every psychiatrist in the state of Alabama was on backlog for at least a month? Good Lord. I mean, I thought ALL doctors kept a slot or two open for emergencies, but apparently crazy people don't have emergencies. *Eyeroll*

Finally, Friday afternoon, I was calling around in despair, not sure what to do, not feeling like anybody wanted to help, and knowing that there was no way ChaosKitty can go on like she's been going for another month. Somehow--God knows how exactly because I didn't call them intentionally--I ended up on the phone with the mental hospital up the road. From there, I got transferred to a case worker and was basically begging the woman to help me. I was *crying* because I knew I needed to do something, but nobody would help me.

She asked me if ChaosKitty was suicidal. I said yes because...well...she is. All the medications in my house are hidden away, and I've got my shotgun locked up in one closet and the shells in another. She told me to take her to the emergency room, but I pointed out that she doesn't have insurance and couldn't pay the bill, even if they did treat her.

Then, the woman basically said to keep her safe until Monday and then march down to the mental health clinic first thing Monday morning and tell them that it's an emergency. I asked if the lady really thought they'd see us, and she replied, "If she's suicidal, they have to." Then, she went on to tell me that if I had any problems to call her and that she would call them and tell them that they had to see us.

So, basically, I get to go to the clinic and hold everybody there hostage on Monday until someone helps my friend. This is going to be fun. *Sigh*

In other news, Kitty came today. I felt really bad that I haven't gotten to spend more time with her this weekend. I feel like no matter what I do, I'm always letting someone down. She's been very good about it and doesn't seem upset or anything. But I still feel horrible.

I still have such mixed feelings about the whole situation. I know the best thing is probably to just let sleeping dogs lie, but I want so badly to tell her how sorry I am, how sad I am about many things. I feel like I shouldn't, but I also feel that I HAVE to say these things.

*Sigh* I don't fucking know. I just know I'm not happy and would like for that to change.

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