Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Can I Have A Do-Over?

This has just not been a good day.

I sent in my last invoice for this pack of assholes I've been dealing with the last several months. They only send paper checks, and if I want them checks overnighted, I have to pay $20. So I asked today for my shit to be overnighted, and the fucking dumb, lazy bitch in payroll goes, "I've already been to the post office today."

Well, march your sorry ass back to the post office, lady. If I have to pay $20 to get the damn thing here, it better be here TOMORROW.

But I know it won't be. Why? Because they're fucking assholes. So, basically, I got up early today to get the shit turned in so that it would be here tomorrow, despite the fact that I took a sleeping pill last night, which made me feel hungover all day, for no fucking reason because it won't be here because some dumb cunt is too lazy to make a second trip to the post office.

Just fucking great.

Then, I managed to spill coffee all over my new laptop that I just got for Christmas. I shut it down and left it to dry. I sincerely hope I didn't fry anything, but I bet that keyboard's gone. :(

Then, I ended up spending 4 hours on some stupid bullshit affiliate stuff that should never have taken that long. Now, my head hurts too much to work on this other shit I'm so far behind on. I'm tired, but I don't think I could sleep now.

So what am I to do? Mope, I suppose. FML.

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