Sunday, January 22, 2012

Well, Fuck

So much for my little bout of melancholy just being me feeling sorry for myself. Nope, I've found my way into actual depression.

It's rather mild--for me, at least. And I guess it's more of an agitated depression than that black, black hole I get into from time to time. I just don't feel motivated and the thought of doing much of anything leaves me feeling really fucking overwhelmed. But my arms and legs don't feel like they weigh a thousand pounds, at least.

I slept from like 2 am yesterday until 6 pm today. Now, I know I normally sleep more than most people, but, Jesus, 16 hours is a lot, even for me. And while today has been more productive than the last few days, I still haven't done a whole hell of a lot. I'm kind of anxious, feeling like I should be doing something with myself, but either not knowing what to do or feeling overwhelmed by what all I should be doing or both.

It fucking blows.

I'm scaling back the Lamictal a bit, and if the bottom keeps falling out from under me, I'll up the Wellbutrin. Fuck it, no sense in feeling like this if I don't have to. I hope I'll get caught up tomorrow. I'm about half there now.

Also, could I PLEASE stop dreaming about people who don't give a fuck about me? No goddamn wonder I keep waking up depressed. I dream about them nearly every fucking time I go to sleep. It really sucks, and it's kinda not funny anymore.

I think I'm going to bed. I feel exhausted, despite all the sleep earlier, so maybe I can get my sleep schedule back to normal. That should make me feel a little better. Right?


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