Monday, January 23, 2012



Apparently, there's some truly shitty weather going on. I had no idea. I've been working all night. But I heard the sirens go off, so I went to check the weather. There have been bad tornadoes tonight.

And they apparently went right over where the three of them live.


Now I'm terrified and praying that they are all right and no way at all whatsoever to find out if everybody's ok.


Please, God, please. Let them be ok.

I won't sleep at all tonight. :(

ETA: Kitty answered my text. They're ok, and all the shit has passed over now. Thank God. I was scared to death because they're claiming it was an F3 or so that went over Tville and Ctr. Pt. All the power's out in that area, people are trapped in their houses, and there's no way to know the extent of the damage at the moment. I was about to lose my shit.

I know Kitty is the only one of them I still talk to, but that doesn't keep me from worrying. I still love them, and I would've flipped out until I knew they were fine, had I not heard from Kitty.

I wanted--needed--J. and the Cat to be ok. As for him...if he's gonna die, I'M gonna be the one to take him out, goddammit. He is NOT going to bitch out and go in a tornado.

Fuck. So glad they're ok. I think I even slipped up in my texts to Kitty and said I was worried about y'all instead of you, but I don't even care. Whatever. At least now I can breathe again that I know they're ok. Yes, literally. I'd thrown myself into an asthma attack there for a minute from blind-ass panic (and a gagging fit, too, thank you very much, Lamictal).

Going to go lay down and try to calm my racing heart.

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for letting them be ok. In the future, if you need some cold bodies, please take mine and not theirs. Kthanxbi.

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