Monday, January 14, 2013

More Letters That Can Never Be Sent

Dear X,

I'm so happy for you. No, really, I am. I wish I could tell you to your face, but I'm not that much of a presumptuous asshole. I'm not going to ruin anything by sticking my nose in it in any shape, form, or fashion.

At one point, I thought I'd be upset, but no. I was months ago when I found out, but now? I'm just happy for you--so, so happy. Maybe a little sad and wistful that I can't be a part of it in any way, but it doesn't take away from the fact that my bruised and battered heart is still smiling for you.

Don't ever doubt that I love you and feel happy for no other reason than that I know that you are. And I'll show you that by staying away, so as not to ruin your happiness. But if you ever need anything, anytime, anywhere, you know where to find me. Maybe I won't fuck it up so badly in the next lifetime.

Congratulations, my love. May the happiness you feel today be nothing in comparison to what you will feel for the rest of your life.


Dear Y,

Thank you for being there. In some small, strange way, I feel that, since a part of me is always with you, I can be there, too, in a weird, vicarious way. Thank you so much for that and for everything else, too.

Don't ever doubt that I love you as well, and that I'll be there for you any time you need me, anytime at all.

Be happy, honey. Be happy for them, and be happy with your own life. God knows, you of all people deserve it.


Dear Z,

Don't fuck it up, you stupid sonofabitch.

~B. Rabbit

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