Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In Which Bunny Sees How Many Shitty Historical References She Can Fit Into One Post

It's amazing how quickly the demon takes over without my even realizing it.

You may have noticed in my last posts that I was more than "somewhat depressed," like I was claiming to be. I was just about to tip over into flat-out psychotic depression when I finally said, "Fuck this shit."

Two days of taking two Wellbutrin instead of one in the morning, and it's like somebody turned a goddamn light switch off. Fuck me, I can see in color again.

The demon is insidious. He sneaks up on me, and I don't realize how much control he has over me because he takes it little by little. If he snatched it all away at once, I'd notice it. But he's a cunning little bastard.

Luckily, with a little pharmaceutical assistance, I have gone from this:

To this:

Bunneh: Slayer of demons.

It's taught me something, though. The demon can't just be locked into some Cold War-era nuclear bunker and forgotten about. He has to be watched at all times to make sure he hasn't figured out how to burrow underground and infest everything he comes into contact with.

Crazy isn't something that can be defeated once, then never pose a threat again. Crazy is more of a guerrilla warrior. He attacks, then retreats, then attacks again. He waits until you are at your most vulnerable, and then he runs out of the mountains with a bunch of IEDs and hurls them in all odd directions, then runs away again, leaving you to deal with the fallout.

So remind me of this next time hubris starts getting the better of me, and I start talking about how I've "beaten" the demon, ok?

It's scary to think that I will have to fight this thing the rest of my life. But I see no other alternative if I want there to BE a rest of my life.

A rather inspirational speech from a fellow crazy--who likely suffered from the same form of the crazy that I do:

I shall go on to the end. I shall fight in France. I shall fight on the seas and oceans. I shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. I shall defend my sanity, whatever the cost may be. I shall fight on the beaches. I shall fight on the landing grounds. I shall fight in the fields and in the streets. I shall fight in the hills. I shall never surrender....

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