Tuesday, May 8, 2012

On Writing

I have decided that it's time for me to start writing again.

To that end, I have started a Wordpress blog to hold my pathetic attempts at literary-ness: The White Rabbit Is Late. Read and follow if you'd like to laugh at how awful it is.

My plan is to write something there daily to practice and see if I can get to the point where I am producing something worthwhile that's not SEO-ed web page content. I will continue writing here about my thoughts and my life, of course. The White Rabbit Is Late is strictly for me to exercise my not-so-creative impulses.

I suck at fiction, but I may try my hand at it, anyway. Who knows? I may someday learn through trial and error.

For now, though, I'm sticking with poetry (which I am equally bad at), vignettes/character sketches, and perhaps descriptive passages when I run out of ideas for anything else. There may someday be essays or short stories or whatever. I don't want to get too ambitious to start with. I haven't seriously attempted to write anything like this since my Creative Writing class in Spring 2006.

My first entry is a very draft of a terrible poem that's been rolling around in my head for a few weeks, called "Mr. Stalin." I'll go back and read it again in a couple of weeks to decide if it's worth cleaning up and working on some more.

Anyway...I guess that's the end of my attention whoring for the evening.

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