Friday, March 2, 2012

Status Update From The Crazy House

Well, we're still barely holding it down over here.

It turns out that the Symbyax the doctor gave ChaosKitty is both helping and hurting. See, Symbyax is a combo drug. It's got an antidepressant (Prozac) and an antipsychotic (Zyprexa) both in one pill. The doctor gave her this because she had samples of it, and she didn't have samples of just plain Zyprexa. And, even though Zyprexa is generic now, we're still talking about $250 for a month's supply of them.

So the doctor gave her these Symbyax samples. The Zyprexa in them is helping her sleep and calming her brain down...but the Prozac is making her have panic attacks in the daytime. Add that to the fact that we really don't have enough of them to keep her steady until her psychiatrist's appointment. The doctor gave us a two week's supply over a week ago, and it's still going to be another two and a half weeks until she sees the psychiatrist. So we're having to ration them heavily, and it's just not going as well as it could.

She does have another psychologist's appointment in Birmingham on Monday afternoon, though. That should help a little, just having someone to talk to about it.

She's not going to be able to move right this second, but hopefully within the next couple of weeks. We'll see.

As for me, I'm losing my mind trying to help her. I'm also about to start, which always makes me go a little nuts. So I'll be glad when she gets to the psychiatrist and then gets on a patient assistance program of some sort to get her drugs. After that, maybe I can worry about getting my own head on straight again.

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