Friday, March 20, 2015

Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Writers....

....'Cause they never leave home, and they're always alone, even with someone they love.

It occurred to me that I haven't written anything here in a while, so I figured I probably should. Not that there's a whole lot to say, but eh.

I managed to push my way through yet another year of the winter depression bullshit. It lifted a little while back (but I'm not exactly sure when because my memory is atrocious). Spring officially begins today, and y'all have no idea how happy I am about it.

It was a long winter.

Oh, and I coughed my brains out from that cold I had at Christmas until, like, the end of February. That was lovely.

So how am I coming along with the handful of goals I had for the year?

Well, I finished the entirety of the DuoLingo Spanish course tonight. Yeah, like, the whole thing. I've been working on it for several months, so it was nice to finally finish it. I'll review a little every day, of course, because if I don't, I'm going to forget. Oh, and I started doing the "English for Spanish speakers" course a little while back, too, and I'm about three-quarters of the way finished with it. Yes, I realize I'm an English speaker, but the reverse course teaches some things that the "Spanish for English speakers" course doesn't, and that's what they recommend you do if you're serious about it.

In addition to my progress in Spanish, I'm about a quarter of the way through the Dutch course. That doesn't sound too impressive, I know, but I started with literally zero knowledge of Dutch. At least with Spanish, I was able to test out of about a third of it. I had to start from the very, very beginning with Dutch. I like it, though. It's kind of batshit, but I like it.

Also, now that English-to-Spanish is done (and Spanish-to-English is mostly done), I think I'll add a new course at some point. Probably not until I get farther along in Dutch and finish Spanish-to-English, though. They've currently got a "Russian for English speakers" in the works, and it's supposed to be ready in...August, I think it is? Anyway, I've always wanted to learn Russian because I have this really bizarre fascination with Soviet and Russian history and culture. (So much so that FangBunny periodically threatens to get me a Russian mail-order husband. Or husbands, actually. Plural, because she knows me well.) And I suppose I'm a glutton for punishment because that shit's supposed to be hard. But you know what? I kinda like challenges. So, yeah, I'm hoping to pick that up when it becomes available (and I should be finished with Spanish-to-English) by then, too. (And after that, I have no idea. I haven't thought that far ahead yet. And who knows? I may be bored with by then, anyway.)

Also-also, I'm on a 70-day streak on DuoLingo now. So yay?

So that's how it goes on the language-learning front. How goes it on the writing front, you ask?

Well...there's a reason I've been talking about language-learning for the past ten minutes: I've actually made progress there. *Eyeroll*

Actually, I've kinda decided to put writing on hold for a little while (with the exception of a project FangBunny and I are trying to get off the ground) to get my work shit together a little better. I let all my websites go about a year or so because I couldn't afford to keep them all running anymore, and they weren't making me any money, anyhow. I have two new ones now--one of which just launched this week--and I'm trying to start taking this shit seriously again. Luckily, this is the time of year that people are a bit freer with their money than they normally would be, so it's a good time to try to do it. It'll slow down around June or so and then slow way down in August. Maybe by then, most of the things will be running on their own (and I will be making a reasonable amount of money again), and I can write.

I mean, probably not, but maybe.

As far as mental stuff goes...I'm ok. Spring is a good time of year for me. The biggest problem I've got at the moment is a completely fucked up sleep schedule (hence me writing this blog post at 4:30 in the morning).

Um, let's see. What else?

Oh, yeah, pretty sure I'm going mostly vegetarian. There are multiple reasons for this, but the biggest ones are that meat is fucking expensive, and I don't like most of it, anyway. I've never liked *much* of it, but the older I get, the less of a taste I have for it. (Meds probably have something to do with this as well.) So why waste what little funds I have on something I don't care for that much, anyhow?

Well, that's pretty much all I can think of now. I will end by saying the same thing in three languages and wowing everybody with my fantastic (haha) language skills.

"Hi, I'm Bunny. I speak English, some Spanish, and a little Dutch. I also can't sleep, and that's why I'm writing this."

"Hola, me llamo Bunny. Hablo inglés, un poco de español, y un poquito de Neerlandés. Tambien no puedo dormir, y eso es por que estoy escrito esto."

"Hoi, mijn naam is Bunny. Ik spreek Engels, sommige Spaans, en een beetje Nederlands. Ik kan ook niet slapen, en dat is de reden waarom ik ben aan het schrijven dit."

Dazzled yet? You totally should be.

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