Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Brief Observations

It took about a week on the new meds for me to feel even somewhat normal again. This is what I get for letting it get so bad, I suppose.

The "sleeping pills" don't work worth a shit. I'm going to have to call the doctor's office and ask for something else.

I'm better, but I've also been better--much better--than this. Sleep is still an iffy thing. I rarely eat more than one meal and one snack per day. Nothing sounds good. I'm at least getting my work done, though, so there's that.

I did some work on my writing blog in hopes of guilting myself into writing more often. We'll see how that goes.

I walked two miles today at the park. Hope to continue doing that, too. I don't give a shit about losing weight, not really. I just hope the exercise improves my mood. If I lose weight in the process, fine. If not, that's fine, too.

Lamest update ever, but I'm too tired to really care.

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