Thursday, January 23, 2014

On Writing, Reading, & Ailments

Oddly enough, I have been productive(ish) this week. All my work shit is caught up for the time being. And since today was my one day per week off, I took the opportunity to write the third chapter of my experimental novel thing that I've got up on Wordpress. It came fairly easily, believe it or not. Then, I got all ambitious and shit and decided to write a sonnet. Yes, a fucking sonnet. Yes, I am an idiot.

Have I mentioned that I can't count syllables or tell where stresses belong on words? And the sonnet is 14 lines of iambic pentameter with end rhymes? Yeahhhh...that was maybe not my most brilliant idea ever.

But fuck it. I did it. It's finished. It started off ok, but turned sorta labored in the middle. And also, I didn't mean for it to be depressing, but it kinda ended up being that way, anyhow. But honestly? I didn't do it to create something beautiful and wonderful that will stand throughout the ages. I just did it to see if I could do it. And I did, so that's pretty much all that matters. It's posted on my usual poetry blog, the link for which is in the sidebar of this page.

So, yeah, current count of shit I've written since the beginning of the year now stands at 3 chapters and 4 poems. Not bad, considering I usually only write non-work stuff once or twice a week. I'm pleased with the quantity, if not the quality yet.

In other news, the wisdom tooth on the lower left side of my jaw is flaring up again. It just did this a couple of months ago, and now it's acting a fool once more. It's sore, and it's infected, which makes it hard to eat. I ran out of my stockpiled antibiotics the LAST time this happened, so now I'm just having to wait it out. Hurts like hell, though, and the infection has spread from the bottom to the top as well. Ugh.

Alas, I have no money to go to the doctor to get antibiotics and no insurance to go to the dentist to get the damned things pulled. My mother told me that she has some leftover amoxicillin at her house, but I've got no way of getting it because, well, no gas money. I told her that if it was still giving me trouble by the weekend, maybe she could send them to me via my father on Sunday. She said she would, but I sincerely hope the shit is gone before then. I got out the Water Pik that I got for Christmas and tried to pressure-wash the inside of my mouth, in hopes that maybe I could flush some of the shit out. I'm not sure if that worked out so well, though.

Also, cluster headaches from hell. I'm sure they're being egged on by the tooth, but they've been flaring for several weeks now. They're worse than migraines--I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.

Well, I suppose that's all the news I have at the moment. I'm trying to start writing in this thing again more often, if only to vent about the act of writing. I talk to FangBunny about it on FB a lot, but I'd hate to make her totally crazy with my rambling.

Finally, speaking of FangBunny, she got me hooked on the Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. The third book has yet to be released, but the first book is called Shadow and Bone, and the second is called Siege and Storm. Ruin and Rising, the last book of the series, is due out in June, I think. I recommend them highly if you're someone who's accidentally stumbled upon this blog and are looking for something new to read.

Ok, bedtime soon.

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