Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Harsh Reminder

Ok, so...remember that job I was supposed to start soon? Yeah, so much for that. Stupid bitch's husband decided that it'd hurt their bottom line too much to pay dispatchers $2/call to dispatch out calls, so they basically told us all to go fuck ourselves because they'd decided they were going to use an automated system instead.

There was so much drama involved in this, but I don't even care enough to write it down. It was just a bunch of bullshit and a stupid woman who rolls over for an even dumber man. I've cried and I've raged already, and now I'm done with it.

I'm too old for this shit.

So I'm back to square one. I have a few ideas up my sleeve, but the fact still remains that I've been waiting for this stupid job, passing up other opportunities, and eating fucking ramen for 5 months because I thought there'd be a position for me. And in return, I got a "fuck you, not my problem."

But that's all right. It was just another reminder from the Universe that I can only depend on me, and trying to do otherwise is just a recipe for disaster. What's one more ass-fucking in a life full of forced sodomy, right?

The worst part of it all is that I'm out of my prescription acid reflux medicine and have been having to take the weaker over-the-counter generic of it. I said before that stress made my stomach hurt like whoa, and it's totally been doing it today. I could double up on the dose of the OTC stuff, but I don't know when I'll ever have any money to buy any more, so I've been trying to ration. At the moment, though, I feel like my stomach/esophagus/whatever has tied itself into knots and lit itself on fire.

Fuck. My. Life.

Oh, well. If this was how it was going to be, I'm glad I found out now rather than later, anyhow. I will not be dictated to by some man with a bug up his ass. I've already been down that road, and we see how that turned out. Let's just be grateful that I've rid myself of yet another couple of sociopaths in my life.

On to other things.

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